Alimony Attorney – Tampa, FL 

Alimony Attorney - Tampa, FL If you and your spouse are thinking about divorce or have already decided that divorce is the healthiest way forward, you likely have numerous questions about the divorce process itself. You may be wondering about the costs associated with filing for divorce and the ways in which your property will be divided. If you are experiencing some anxiety about the ways in which your divorce may impact your financial future, know that you are not alone. Transitioning from a single, dual-adult household to two single-person households can be an expensive business. Thankfully, you don’t have to navigate the legal side of your divorce alone. Working with an experienced Tampa, Florida alimony attorney can help to ensure that your financial future remains as stable and healthy as possible.

When you meet with a Tampa, FL divorce attorney about your divorce process, you will be able to voice any and all questions and concerns you may have now and moving forward. When discussing asset division, your attorney will likely speak with you about the possibility of including spousal support (also known as alimony) as a part of your property division settlement. Sometimes spousal support is agreed to by both parties and other times it is ordered by a judge. Paying spousal support can free up other assets and receiving spousal support can help to ensure a steady income. There are pros and cons to including spousal support terms in a property division settlement. As a result, including spousal support terms in your divorce settlement is a decision that should be considered carefully.

Calculating Spousal Support

There is no single formula that governs how much alimony a spouse should receive. When spouses choose to mediate and/or negotiate the terms of their divorce settlement, spousal support amounts may vary widely, depending upon how the rest of the couple’s property is split. If one spouse rejects ownership of all other assets, his or her spousal support award will be far higher than it would be if that individual opted to also retain ownership of significant marital property. As long as the value of all marital property is divided evenly, spousal support awards can play a smaller or larger role in a divorce settlement according to the couple’s needs and priorities.

It is also worth noting that state laws related to the calculation of spousal support vary. If a judge is compelled to order spousal support in a non-collaborative divorce case, any number of factors could influence the award amount. An experienced Tampa, FL alimony attorney will be able to advise you according to your state’s laws.

Legal Guidance Is Available

If you have questions about calculating spousal support specifically or divorce generally, please consider scheduling a consultation with an experienced Tampa, FL alimony attorney at The Mckinney Law Group today. If you already have existing spousal support orders you are interested in modifying, you may also benefit from consulting with an attorney.

Spousal support calculations have significant impacts on the lives of those who are required to pay alimony and those who receive these payments. It is therefore important to consult with an attorney who is invested in making sure that spousal support orders are drafted in fair, enforceable ways. Failure to take great care when grappling with the creation (or modification) of spousal support orders now may impact you in numerous ways moving forward.